Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Brisbane

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident because of another person’s negligence, you are likely to be entitled to compensation through what is known as ‘compulsory third party insurance.

Motor Vehicle Injury Claims

Healthcare providers have a duty of care to any person they treat. If Healthcare providers are found to have breached that duty of care, they are liable for the damages that the victim suffered.

A claim for injuries sustained from a motor vehicle accident Lawyers in Brisbane is brought under the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994. This in essence, allows a person to be compensated for damages including (but not limited to):

  1. Pain and Suffering
  2. Medical expenses (past and into the future);
  3. Past Economic Loss;
  4. Future Economic Loss;
  5. Legal costs;
  6. Care costs.

Our motor vehicle accident Lawyers in Brisbane know compensation claims can be daunting and hard to navigate. Failure to comply with time frames, amongst other things, can be fatal to your Motor Vehicle claim.

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